72.7 F
Monday, July 1, 2024



Tragic Pothole Accident Calls for Immediate Street Maintenance

Just last week in our community, a fellow resident suffered a serious accident simply because of the deplorable condition of our roads. Following the incident, it has been reported that they sustained multiple injuries while driving on Erie Boulevard. The cause was not impaired driving, but a monstrous pothole which has become deeper and more dangerous over time. We all know Erie Boulevard has been neglected for far too long, facilitating frequent accidents and causing unnecessary damage to vehicles. We should not wait for another horrific incident to turn our attention to the evident problem. I urge the city council to address this issue urgently and restrain from their abstinence any longer.

James Simmons

Incompetent Snow Removal Efforts In Our Region

I write with great disappointment, regarding the recent and continual failure of the city’s snow removal efforts. As a resident of the Stockade Historic District, navigating local streets after every snowfall feels like maneuvering through an obstacle course. The snow-covered streets not only impose inconvenience but also pose significant safety risks for residents, especially for the elderly and people with disabilities. Perhaps a revisit of the snow removal funds, or a better allocation of resources can rectify the situation. Our historic district deserves better upkeep, especially considering we host many visitors that contribute to local tourism.

Patricia Sullivan

Increased Youth Crime: A Concern for the Future

Recent weeks have seen a surge in juvenile delinquency rates in our beloved city, and as a concerned citizen, I am terrified to think about the future of our young generation. From petty thefts to drug-related offenses, the increase in criminal activities involving youth is alarming. We should recognize this as a community-wide issue and work towards creating a better environment for our children. Investing in more after-school programs, enhancing school curriculums, and providing mental health services should be priorities as we look for solutions. We cannot ignore this problem any longer; the future of Schenectady depends on it.

Rebecca Miles

Frank Sullivan
Frank Sullivan
Frank Sullivan, a veteran journalist with over 30 years in the industry, serves as the guiding hand for editorial content. An alumnus of Columbia Journalism School, Frank has worked his way up from a beat reporter to editor, and he now curates the weekly 'Letters to the Editor' section.
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