Hiroshi Tanaka moved on peacefully, surrounded by the love of his family, after a fulfilling and adventurous life. Born in a small, picturesque town...
Margaret Foster passed away at the age of 84, her life a testament to her nurturing spirit, her intellectual curiosity, and her unwavering strength.
Robert McCarthy left us at the age of 81, his life an enduring legacy of perseverance, wisdom, and compassionate leadership.
Robert was a lifelong resident...
SCHENECTADY -Â The City of Schenectady fire department partnered with the United States Marine Corps reserves Toys For Tots toy drive by leaving toy drop boxes in front of each firehouse Wednesday, December 11, 2024. Photos from our Peter R. Barber PETER R. BARBER City of Schenectady firefighters partnered with the United States Marine Corps reserves
Schenectady High School is set to install metal detectors and bag scanners over the holiday break after the school board approved the purchase of a new weapons detection system from a Florida company
SUNY Schenectady County Community College President, Steady Moono, has announced he will step down from his position at the end of his current contract in June 2026
McDonald's in Schenectady, Albany, and Hudson are offering a free small McCafe drink to anyone who donates a new, unwrapped toy for their toy drive benefiting local charities until December 11
Schenectady City Council is considering a zoning proposal that would prevent cannabis retail stores from operating within 500 feet of child care centers, dance studios, gyms, and other youth-attracting locations
A person died in a house fire and explosion in Schenectady, with identification pending family notification and an autopsy, according to city fire officials
Two men, one from California and one from Schenectady, are facing federal charges for allegedly participating in a drug distribution scheme in Schenectady County