Hiroshi Tanaka moved on peacefully, surrounded by the love of his family, after a fulfilling and adventurous life. Born in a small, picturesque town...
Margaret Foster passed away at the age of 84, her life a testament to her nurturing spirit, her intellectual curiosity, and her unwavering strength.
Robert McCarthy left us at the age of 81, his life an enduring legacy of perseverance, wisdom, and compassionate leadership.
Robert was a lifelong resident...
Former Nigerian mission leaders, Francis Nmeribe and Ada Uche Kalu Nmeribe, attentively watched President Russell M. Nelson's general conference from their home in Provo
Tokyo, Japan boasts numerous world records including the most populated city, busiest train station and intersection, tallest tower, biggest fish market, and is also rated as one of the world's safest cities
Flooding and landslides in Nepal have killed at least 66 people, injured 60, and left 69 missing, disrupting travel and potentially increasing the death toll
Tropical Storm Helene forms in the Caribbean Sea, potentially strengthening into a major hurricane and prompting some Florida residents to evacuate or prepare for anticipated flooding
The Biden administration is adopting a cautious approach amid escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah militants in Lebanon, avoiding full-on crisis diplomacy to prevent exacerbating the situation
At least 274 inmates have escaped from a Nigerian prison due to heavy flooding, amidst reports of over 1,000 deaths across western and central Africa due to the same cause