72.7 F
Monday, July 1, 2024



Concerns about School Budget Cuts
Despite understanding the financial crisis caused by the pandemic, as a parent, I am deeply concerned about the recent budget cuts to Schenectady public schools. Our children deserve the best education possible, and these cuts seem to contradict that goal. Academics, extracurricular activities, and even essential staff are being threatened. We need to invest in our future, and there is no better investment than quality education for our youngsters. I urge our leaders to reconsider these cuts and to prioritize our children’s educational needs.
Mary Stevens

Appreciation for Effective Snow Removal
As a recent transplant to Schenectady from the South, where snow is virtually unheard of, I wanted to express my admiration and gratitude for our city’s snow removal efforts. After the heavy snowfall last weekend, I was amazed at how swiftly and efficiently the roads were cleared. This allowed me to safely commute to work and complete necessary errands. A special shout-out to all the city workers who work tirelessly to keep us safe and mobile during these harsh winter months.
Tom Richards

Frustrations Over Central Park Ice Rink Closure
I was deeply disappointed to hear about the closure of the Central Park ice rink for the season due to increased COVID-19 concerns. It seems to me that outdoor activities like ice skating are less risky and could have been monitored for adherence to social distancing guidelines. The rink closure is a big letdown for many families looking for some safe, outdoor winter fun. I hope the city authorities find alternative forms of entertainment keeping the physical distancing regulations in mind.
Susan Mitchell

Frank Sullivan
Frank Sullivan
Frank Sullivan, a veteran journalist with over 30 years in the industry, serves as the guiding hand for editorial content. An alumnus of Columbia Journalism School, Frank has worked his way up from a beat reporter to editor, and he now curates the weekly 'Letters to the Editor' section.
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