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Monday, September 16, 2024

New York Governor Officials Passes Clean Slate Act


NEW YORK ‍(WKBW) — Governor Kathy Hochul has announced‌ the signing of the Clean Slate Act, making New York the 12th state in the U.S. ⁢to enact Clean Slate legislation.

According to the governor’s office, this law will provide relief for individuals who have completed their sentences‍ and remained crime-free for a certain period by sealing their criminal records. Misdemeanor convictions will be sealed after⁤ three years, and certain felony convictions will be sealed after ‌eight years. However, this law does not apply to individuals convicted of sex crimes, murder,⁤ or ⁣other non-drug Class A felonies. It‌ also does not limit ⁢access‍ to criminal records for law enforcement, prosecutors, the‍ New York State ‍Education Department, courts, or other necessary parties.

The Clean‍ Slate ‌Act will take effect one year ‌from ⁢Thursday. This groundbreaking legislation follows Governor Hochul’s belief that a⁤ good-paying job is ⁣the most powerful ⁤tool for fighting crime. It ​will help New Yorkers access new job and housing opportunities, ‌while also allowing agencies to maintain⁢ public⁢ safety.

“The best crime-fighting tool is a ⁢good-paying job. That’s why I support giving New Yorkers‌ a clean slate after they’ve paid their debt to society and⁣ gone years without an additional offense. I negotiated a compromise that protects public safety and boosts economic opportunity,⁤ and the final Clean Slate Law will help New ‍Yorkers ⁢access jobs and housing while ‌allowing police, prosecutors and school officials to​ protect their communities. And as our state⁢ faces a⁣ worker shortage,⁣ with more than​ 450,000 job openings right now, this new law will⁢ help ‌businesses find more workers who will help them grow, expand and thrive.”

-‌ Gov. Hochul

New ‌York State ⁣Senate Minority Leader ⁤Rob Ortt released the following ‌statement on the signing of the legislation:

“As public safety remains on the mind of every New Yorker, Governor Hochul has signed another bill that continues the alarming trend of disastrous criminal justice “reforms” that have⁣ made our‍ communities⁣ less safe.

Under this law,‌ criminals convicted of some of the most violent offenses ‍– including ⁢attempted murder, gang‌ assault, arson, and animal abuse, just⁤ to name a few – will be eligible to have their records sealed. As we see a dramatic⁣ rise in antisemitism, even hate crimes would ​be sealable. Meanwhile, there is no “clean ⁢slate” for the victims and loved ones whose lives have been devastated.

There should be no question in the minds of New Yorkers:‌ Albany⁤ Democrats will always prioritize criminals over ⁢victims and law-abiding citizens.”

⁢ – Sen. Ortt

Alejandro Mendoza
Alejandro Mendoza
Alejandro Mendoza is a dedicated journalist, known for his in-depth research and commitment to truth. A graduate of Columbia University's School of Journalism, he specializes in revealing and reporting on significant local issues.
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