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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Reviving Seneca Culture: How Seneca Language Classes Are Fostering Inspiration and Connection Among Youth


ANGOLA, NY— Seneca Language Teacher Jordan Cooke realized the urgency in‌ preserving the language of the Seneca ⁢Nation, as there ⁤are fewer native ​speakers left than ever before. Despite the obstacles, he and other teachers have taken it upon themselves to empower the community through language classes.

Cooke and his team have been working tirelessly to⁤ inspire‌ a‍ newfound appreciation and passion for ‍Seneca culture and identity among the youth. With the loss‍ of many first language elders during the pandemic, the need for preserving the language has⁤ become even more pressing.

But with dedication⁣ and perseverance, Cooke has seen progress in their efforts.‍ Fifteen-year-old Kate Kennedy, a sophomore ‌at Lake Shore‌ High School in Angola, is one of the many students who have joined the classes⁢ to‌ connect with her cultural roots.

For Kennedy, the desire ​to learn Seneca stems from a sense ‍of envy when she sees other cultures speaking their language fluently. She hopes that one ⁤day, she⁢ too can ⁤have⁢ a ​conversation in Seneca⁤ and pass it down ⁢to future generations.

With the support of her teachers, Kennedy and many other students are‍ actively working towards preserving the⁣ Seneca language and culture. Cooke and his ⁢team are determined to continue their efforts ‌and ensure ​that the language lives⁤ on for generations ⁢to come.

Alejandro Mendoza
Alejandro Mendoza
Alejandro Mendoza is a dedicated journalist, known for his in-depth research and commitment to truth. A graduate of Columbia University's School of Journalism, he specializes in revealing and reporting on significant local issues.
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