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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Affordable housing project in Hamilton Hill seeks state funding following city’s support


SCHENECTADY — Exciting news‌ for ⁢the Hamilton Hill neighborhood as the city moves forward with plans⁢ to establish a 14-unit affordable housing development. ⁢The sale of four vacant Germania Avenue ⁣buildings from the city to Better Community ‍Neighborhoods, Inc. (BCNI) is expected to take place on Monday, marking a significant ​step in the project.

City Council Approval

During‌ an‌ executive session ‍at⁢ the end​ of​ the Schenectady City ⁤Council’s City⁢ Development & Planning Committee⁢ meeting, the committee ‍approved the sale of four Germania Avenue properties to BCNI for⁣ an undisclosed ⁣sum. The ‍full council vote is ⁣set for Monday to confirm the sales, showing the city’s commitment to the development of affordable housing in ⁤the area.

Funding and Development

The council awarded $500,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) ​funds to ‌BCNI in September 2022 ⁣to rehabilitate distressed properties in the city and ​to ‍convert them‍ into‌ affordable housing. The development ‍is estimated to cost⁢ approximately $5.7 million, with BCNI seeking ​additional funding from the‌ State ⁣Housing Trust ‌Fund to support⁤ the project.

Community Impact

If the city‍ council approves the ‌sale of‍ the four vacant Germania Avenue properties⁢ to BCNI, the group will​ have ownership of all⁢ seven‍ properties that will comprise the 14-unit affordable housing development. This initiative is a ⁢crucial step in‍ meeting the affordable housing needs ‌of the community​ and‌ supporting the ongoing ⁢revitalization of Hamilton Hill.

Future Plans

BCNI Executive ​Director Shane Bargy expressed confidence in completing the​ project and ‌emphasized the⁢ importance of ‌securing state funding ⁤to move the development forward. The organization is​ committed to​ providing adequate shelter for ‍the community and ⁤aims to ⁤begin construction as soon as​ possible, pending ⁢state funding approval.

Continued Support

The project has received support from city ⁢leaders, with Mayor Gary McCarthy stating, “This⁣ keeps ‌the progress going on ⁣Hamilton Hill as we continue to make meaningful investments in our neighborhoods.” City ⁢Council President‌ Marion Porterfield also emphasized the positive impact ​the project⁣ will have ⁤on families and the entire community.

Metroplex approved‌ $550,000 in funding in October ⁢to‍ remediate and demolish⁣ seven vacant buildings in‌ the Hamilton ⁢Hill neighborhood, further demonstrating the commitment to affordable housing initiatives in the area.

Emily Stanton
Emily Stanton
Emily Stanton, a skillful journalist previously based in Boston, is adept at covering a diverse array of stories. Her thorough and engaging reporting style, honed with a Master's in Journalism from Boston University, focuses on community-relevant stories.
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  1. Agree

    Great to see the city supporting affordable housing initiatives! State funding would definitely help make a real difference in Hamilton Hill.


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