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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cuomo’s Sexual Harassment Case Settled by Justice Department with New York State


ALBANY, N.Y. – The ⁤U.S. Justice⁣ Department has reached ⁣a significant⁢ settlement with​ the state of New York⁣ to address the sexual harassment ⁣investigation of former⁢ Gov. Andrew ⁣Cuomo. ⁤This ‌settlement⁤ confirms the allegations from the damaging misconduct probe ⁤that⁢ led to‍ Cuomo’s resignation.

The‍ agreement ⁣outlines a series​ of reforms made​ after Cuomo ⁣left office and ⁣details additional⁣ steps the state will take​ to change how it handles ​sexual⁤ harassment claims. ‍This⁢ marks a crucial step in addressing the issue ‍of sexual harassment in the workplace.

Cuomo, once a rising star in the Democratic party, left office in 2021 after a ‍report⁢ by‍ Attorney ‍General​ Letitia James concluded ​he ‌sexually⁣ harassed at least 11 women. He has​ denied the allegations and argued James’ report was driven by ⁤politics, intended to force him from ‍office so she‌ could run for governor.

The Justice Department investigation, which began in 2021, similarly‌ found a ⁤pattern ‌of sexual misconduct ⁣by Cuomo and said he subjected at least 13⁣ state employees⁣ to a sexually hostile work environment. It‍ said Cuomo’s ⁤staffers failed to adequately report allegations ⁢and retaliated against⁢ four women ‌who⁤ raised complaints.

“The‌ conduct⁤ in the executive chamber under the‌ former governor, the state’s most powerful ⁤elected official, ‌was especially egregious⁢ because of the stark power differential involved and the victims’ lack of avenues​ to report and redress harassment,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke.

An attorney for Cuomo said ⁤in⁤ a statement that the former governor “did not sexually harass ⁣anyone.”

“The DOJ ‘investigation’ was based entirely on‌ the NYS Attorney General’s deeply flawed, inaccurate, biased, and misleading report. At no point did DOJ even contact‌ Governor Cuomo concerning‍ these​ matters. This is nothing more than‍ a‍ political settlement with no investigation,” said Rita Glavin.

The settlement came as⁢ Cuomo ⁤is rumored⁤ to be considering a‌ political comeback. This ‌development has sparked a lot of​ interest and speculation in​ the political arena.

In a statement, ​New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, a Democrat who⁣ had​ served as lieutenant ​governor until Cuomo⁢ resigned, said⁤ she looks forward to continuing to reform the state’s procedures for addressing and preventing‌ sexual harassment and retaliation.

“The ‌moment I took office, I knew ⁣I needed to root out the⁤ culture of ​harassment that⁣ had previously plagued the Executive Chamber and implement strong policies to promote a safe workplace for all employees, and took immediate‌ action‍ to do so,”‌ Hochul said.

Alejandro Mendoza
Alejandro Mendoza
Alejandro Mendoza is a dedicated journalist, known for his in-depth research and commitment to truth. A graduate of Columbia University's School of Journalism, he specializes in revealing and reporting on significant local issues.
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