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Saturday, July 27, 2024

MrBeast collaborates with JustServe, urging users to join the app


From the heart of SALT⁤ LAKE CITY, a thrilling announcement has been made. The globally renowned YouTuber, known to millions ‌as MrBeast, has‌ recently joined ⁤forces with JustServe.

MrBeast, boasting a staggering 236 million subscribers, is ​celebrated for his unique and heartwarming content such as “I Rescued 100 Abandoned Dogs!” and “Giving $1,000,000 of Food to People In Need.” Alongside his friends, he ​creates ⁣engaging videos featuring daring stunts and exciting games, often with a charitable twist. His channel ranks second in terms of subscriptions‍ on YouTube and⁤ holds the record for the‌ most subscribers for an individual on the platform.

The Deseret News ⁢has ‌independently verified the collaboration between JustServe and MrBeast.

The alliance ​was unveiled in a ⁤shared ‌post by Beast Philanthropy and JustServe. The post read, “We’re frequently asked, ‘How can we contribute?’ Our answer is simple: be ⁤kind, assist others, and support each other. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, makes a difference in the world. Each viewer,​ liker, and subscriber​ to our channel is already directly aiding our causes and propelling this movement of kindness.”

However, Beast Philanthropy added, there’s another way to contribute.

“We’ve recently ⁣teamed up ⁢with​ JustServe, an app designed⁤ to ⁣connect volunteers with suitable organizations. By registering your interests ⁢and availability, the ‍app will provide a list⁣ of opportunities tailored to your preferences.”

Readers were encouraged to visit Beast Philanthropy’s ⁢linktree ⁤in the bio, where a link ‍to⁢ register ‌with ‍JustServe is currently ⁢available along with other useful links.

For those seeking ways to serve their community, JustServe can assist in finding both local and remote opportunities. As⁢ stated on the JustServe⁤ website, it’s “a free service that ⁢connects ⁢community volunteer needs⁣ with volunteers.”

Bishop Gérald Caussé, presiding ⁤bishop of The Church of ⁢Jesus Christ of Latter-day‌ Saints, told the Church News that JustServe⁢ is more⁤ than just an app, “it is a movement and⁢ a‍ way that we can live our covenants.” In 2022‌ alone, as many as 16,285 projects were ​added to ​the app, and it gained ‍69,115 new registered users.

The JustServe Advisory Council includes notable figures ⁤such as Sharon‍ Eubank, humanitarian division director for the Church of Jesus Christ; Matt Bertram, the vice⁢ president for ‌the American Red Cross; Paul Cobb, from Post News Group; Sean Callahan, CEO⁣ of ​Catholic ‌Relief Services; and John Hewko, ⁤CEO ‌of Rotary International.

The Church News recently ​highlighted service activities that took place⁤ across ‌the​ U.S. on Martin Luther⁤ King Jr. Day, facilitated by JustServe. Martin Luther​ King Jr. Day, celebrated on ‍Jan. 15, is ‌recognized as a national day of service.

One such activity was a clothing ​drive for New Beginnings Church in Lewisville, Texas.⁤ Volunteers sorted and organized the donated items.

“Pastor Joe Fields and his volunteer team were overjoyed to​ receive our donation,” Chevelle Davis Pridgett told the Church News. ⁣”They serve a large number of​ people in the Lewisville ‌community and beyond. It was⁣ wonderful to tour their facility and see⁣ the resources they offer to those in need.”

Upon the app’s launch, President M. Russell Ballard, then the acting ⁢president of the Quorum ​of the Twelve Apostles, said, “We believe that there is a power behind JustServe.”

“The power comes from ‍doing what Jesus Christ would do if He was here,” President Ballard added. “We are excited about the‌ development of JustServe and the opportunity to work alongside our dear friends in the community who represent all people and organizations who share ‍the desire to serve‍ and bless the lives of those in need.”

Getting ⁤Started⁤ with JustServe

Either download the app or visit the⁣ JustServe website. Enter your ZIP code and specify‌ the distance ​you’re willing to travel ⁣(e.g., 5 ‌miles,​ 25 miles,⁣ etc.). A list of service opportunities⁣ will ⁤appear, and you can filter them by selecting specific interests⁢ like⁣ “Women,”‌ “Crisis Support,” or “Art & Design.”

Once you⁣ find a service ⁤opportunity that‍ interests you,‍ click on it and press the volunteer button.

The listing provides a point of ⁤contact and additional information about the service project, including any ​necessary items⁤ to bring‍ or wear and the location ⁤of‌ the project.

You also have the option to share ⁤the service project with ‌a friend, encouraging your loved⁤ ones ‌to get involved.

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  1. I disagree. JustServe seems like a great platform to connect with volunteer opportunities and make a positive impact in the community. Excited to see what MrBeast and JustServe can achieve together!

  2. Disagree. There are already plenty of volunteer platforms out there, and it’s unclear how MrBeast’s involvement will significantly enhance JustServe’s impact.


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