55.2 F
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturday seed exchange event to be held by Schenectady Community Ministries


SCHENECTADY — The Schenectady Community Ministries (SiCM) ‌is ‍excited to announce its third annual seed share event ‌this Saturday. This event offers a unique opportunity for attendees to gain knowledge ⁤about gardening, composting, and beekeeping from⁤ seasoned⁤ agricultural experts ‍in Schenectady County.

The event is scheduled to take place at the SiCM’s community hub on Albany Street. It will feature‌ a variety of workshops that will guide participants on how ⁣to interpret seed packets, the art of backyard composting, and the ‍basics of making maple ‌syrup at home, as ⁣per the official press release.

Participants will⁣ also have the chance to choose seeds from SiCM’s seed bank, and exchange or⁤ share seeds with fellow attendees.

Several ‌other organizations will be represented at the event, including‍ the Cornell Cooperative Extension, Schenectady​ Community Compost Project,​ the Schenectady CitySchool district’s Farm-to-School Program, and SiCM’s⁢ Urban Farms.

Attendees will also have the chance​ to ⁣win a backyard‌ composter and ⁣food scraps bin, and sample dishes made from locally sourced vegetables.

The workshops will include:

  • 12:30-12:45 p.m.: Decoding ⁣a Seed Packet: Learn to find⁤ useful information in a seed packet and techniques to maximize your ⁤garden’s potential.
  • 1-1:15 p.m.: Starting Seeds: Get tips on how⁣ to start your seeds at​ home for spring ⁢seedlings.
  • 1:30-1:45 p.m.: Backyard Composting: Learn‌ how to convert your food scraps ⁣and⁣ yard waste into a nutritious soil amendment.
  • 2-2:15 p.m.: Seed‍ Saving:⁢ Learn how ⁤to save seeds from some of your favorite​ veggies.
  • 2:30-2:45 p.m.: Backyard Sugaring: Ever⁢ wanted to make your own maple syrup? Here’s how to get started in your backyard.

The event will run⁤ from ⁣noon⁤ to⁣ 3 p.m. at 837 Albany St. Attendees⁤ are encouraged to register in advance.

For more details and to sign ⁢up,⁤ please visit: sicm.us/seed-share-2024.

Kiara Thomas
Kiara Thomas
I uncover quirky and compelling stories. Always on the lookout for the 'why' behind the 'what'.
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  1. Saturday seed exchange event, yay! I’m excited to support Schenectady Community Ministries and get some new plants for my garden. #Agree #GreenThumb


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