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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Individual Denies Attempted Murder Charges in Schenectady


SCHENECTADY – ‌A man who was apprehended⁣ in December has​ entered ‍a ​plea of not guilty to two charges of ‍attempted murder in Schenectady.

23-year-old​ Dexter Silen was taken into custody by the Schenectady⁣ City Police on ‌December 4. On Monday morning, he vehemently denied the 10-count indictment against him, which accuses him of breaking into a Helderberg Avenue residence armed with a knife and attempting to take the lives of two people.

The charges against ‍Silen include two⁣ counts of second-degree​ attempted murder, class B violent felonies; two counts of first-degree attempted assault, class ‌C violent felonies; two counts‌ of⁤ second-degree assault, class D ⁤violent felonies; three counts of first-degree burglary, class B violent ‌felonies; and one count of third-degree assault, a misdemeanor.

Public Defender Robert Mcnamara is representing Silen in this case, while‍ Schenectady County Assistant District Attorney Eric Weinhold is prosecuting.

Silen was arraigned in Schenectady⁤ County Court ‌on Monday. Judge Matthew Sypniewski, who presided over the arraignment,​ explained⁣ several rights to Silen, including the ​right to a jury trial and the right to ‌decide whether to testify on his own behalf.

Judge Sypniewski has scheduled Silen’s next court appearance for February⁢ 16.

Kiara Thomas
Kiara Thomas
I uncover quirky and compelling stories. Always on the lookout for the 'why' behind the 'what'.
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  1. Attempted murder charges should never be taken lightly or denied without proper investigation and evidence. Justice must prevail.

  2. Agree – Denying attempted murder charges without proper evidence is not a responsible approach. The justice system should diligently investigate and determine the truth.


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