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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Paul McCartney’s Lost Bass Recovered and Returned After Over Half a Century


From the heart of LONDON — The ‌legendary Paul McCartney has finally been reunited with his long-lost original bass guitar, putting an end to his ⁤years of ⁣longing.

After a‌ relentless five-year search led by the manufacturer of the instrument, Höfner, and a dedicated duo of journalist spouses, the iconic Beatles member ⁢has been reunited with his unique, violin-shaped 1961 electric Höfner bass. This precious instrument, which disappeared half a century⁤ ago, is now estimated ‌to be worth a staggering $12.6 million.

McCartney had reached out to Höfner, seeking their assistance in locating the missing instrument that played a pivotal role in ⁢the rise of Beatlemania. Scott Jones,⁣ a journalist who collaborated with ‍Höfner executive Nick Wass in this‍ quest, shared this‍ information on‌ Friday.

“Paul ‌asked me, ‘Since you’re associated with Höfner, ⁣could you possibly help me find my bass?'” Wass recalled. “That’s what ignited this grand pursuit. Seeing the significance of the lost bass ​to Paul, I was ‌resolute to unravel the mystery.”

McCartney⁢ purchased the bass for a mere $37 in 1961, during the time when The ‍Beatles were honing their skills through a series of ‌performances in Hamburg, Germany. ⁤This instrument ‌was featured in The Beatles’ first two albums ⁢and was used in hit songs like “Love Me Do,” “Twist and Shout,” and “She Loves You.”

“Being ‌left-handed, ‍the symmetrical design of the​ bass looked less awkward,” McCartney once remarked. “I was drawn to that. Once I bought it, I fell‍ in love with it.”

The bass was rumored to ⁣have been stolen around the time The Beatles⁢ were recording their ​final album, “Let⁢ It Be,” in 1969. However, the​ exact time of its disappearance remained ⁣a mystery.

Wass’s quest ⁣to locate the bass gained ‌momentum when Jones fortuitously joined the search after witnessing McCartney’s performance at the Glastonbury ‌Festival in 2022. The stage lights at one point seemed to‍ highlight nothing but the sunburst pattern on his bass,​ leading Jones ⁤to wonder if it⁢ was the same instrument McCartney had played in the early ’60s.

Upon searching⁤ the internet, Jones ‌was astonished to discover that the‍ original bass was missing and a search was underway.

“I was taken⁢ aback, ‍I was astounded,” Jones expressed. “I believe we live in a world ​where anything The Beatles do would garner significant attention.”

Jones and his wife, Naomi, both journalists ‌and researchers, reached out to Wass to spread the news more widely.

After hitting a roadblock following‍ a lead about a roadie for The Who, they revived The Lost Bass​ Project ‍and within 48 hours, they received 600 emails that contained the “little gems that led us to where we are​ today,” Jones ‍shared.

The turning point came in September when sound ⁢engineer Ian Horne, who⁢ had worked with McCartney’s band Wings, reached out. He revealed that the bass had been stolen from the back of his van⁢ one night in ⁣the Notting Hill ‍area of London in 1972.

Although Horne couldn’t recall the exact date, a former trainee reporter for a London newspaper contacted them, claiming he had written an article about the theft. Naomi Jones found​ the article in ⁣the British Library, which provided the date ‌and other details.

They were then approached by an individual​ who confessed that their father⁢ had stolen the‌ bass. ‍The thief hadn’t intended ‌to steal McCartney’s instrument and panicked when he realized what he had done, Jones​ explained.

The‍ thief ended up selling it to Ron Guest, the landlord of the Admiral Blake pub, for a few pounds and some beers.

Just as the Joneses began searching for Guest’s ⁤relatives, word had already reached his family. His ⁤daughter-in-law contacted McCartney’s studio.

Cathy⁤ Guest revealed that the old⁢ bass that had been stored in her attic for years resembled‍ the one they were searching for.

The bass had been‍ passed down from Ron ⁣Guest ⁢to his eldest son, who tragically died in a car accident, ‍and then to ‌a younger son, Haydn Guest, who was married to Cathy and ‍passed ⁣away in ‌2020.

The ‍instrument was returned⁣ to McCartney in December, and it took about two​ months to⁣ authenticate it.

Its ‌estimated value ‌is ⁣based ⁢on the ⁢fact that a Gibson acoustic guitar‍ Kurt⁣ Cobain played on⁢ MTV Unplugged sold for $6 million, Jones noted. However, it held almost no value ‌during the 50 years it was ⁤missing.

“The thief couldn’t sell ⁣it,” ⁤Jones stated. “Clearly, the Guest family never ⁣attempted to sell it. It’s a red alert⁢ because the minute you ⁤come forward someone’s⁤ going to say, ‘That’s Paul McCartney’s ⁣guitar.'”

Now, the bass is back in‌ McCartney’s possession. His official ‍website posted a message‌ announcing its return, stating “Paul is incredibly grateful to all those involved.”

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