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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Submissions for Schenectady County’s Senior Citizen of the Year Award to Close on Friday


SCHENECTADY – The deadline⁤ for submitting nominations for⁢ the esteemed 2024 Hon. Karen B. Johnson Schenectady​ County Older New Yorker of the Year Award is fast approaching, with⁣ the final date being this Friday.

This prestigious award, facilitated⁢ by the county’s Department of Senior ⁣and Long Term Care Services, was established to acknowledge‌ and celebrate the older adults in our community who selflessly devote their ⁢time to ⁣various‌ community initiatives. In 2019, the award was rechristened⁣ in memory of Johnson, a ​dedicated worker of the department.

Eligible nominees⁣ are any Schenectady residents who are 60 years of age or older. The nomination form is⁣ readily available on the county’s official ⁤website.

“Our senior residents are a treasure trove of wisdom and experience, and their contributions to our community are immeasurable,” expressed Schenectady County Legislator ⁢Omar McGill, who also serves as the Vice Chair of the Health, ⁣Housing & Human Services Committee. “These awards are a heartfelt expression of our appreciation ‌for their significant contributions⁢ and the positive influence ⁣they exert on our community.”

Kiara Thomas
Kiara Thomas
I uncover quirky and compelling stories. Always on the lookout for the 'why' behind the 'what'.
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