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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tabernacle Choir set to stage a performance at the famous Mall of Asia alongside Filipino artists


PASAY, Philippines — The renowned Tabernacle Choir⁤ at Temple Square is gearing up for its grand concerts at the Mall of ⁣Asia, the largest mall in the Philippines. The choir has been engaging with the ​Filipino media, creating a buzz ⁢for ‍their upcoming performances.

With only two more performances left in the Philippines, the second destination of their world tour, the choir is ‌pulling out all the stops. These final performances will feature renowned artists and a social media influencer, in a bid to attract ​a younger‍ demographic.

The Mall ⁢of Asia, ‍boasting a 9,000-seat arena, is a popular venue for world-class artists. Signs ⁣and advertisements heralding the arrival ⁣of the choir are scattered throughout the‌ city‌ of Pasay,⁤ building anticipation ⁤among the locals.

The choir has already‍ graced the Philippines with two concerts, which‍ were more intimate, private gatherings. However, the upcoming performances promise to be grander in scale.

On ⁢Monday morning, the choir held a press conference to introduce ‍the special guest artists,⁤ all of whom are Filipino. The concerts are scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday⁤ evenings.

Lea Salonga

“I’m ⁤brimming with excitement‌ for the next two days,” shared‌ Lea Salonga, the acclaimed Broadway singer and actress, who is the main guest artist for the concerts.

Salonga, who lent her voice to Disney princesses Jasmine and Mulan, has​ previously performed with‍ the choir in their ⁣Christmas ⁢concert in December 2022. She expressed her eagerness ⁣to‍ join the choir⁤ again,⁣ stating that ‍the ​decision was a no-brainer.

“I just remember thinking, ‘This is an experience I will cherish forever,'” she⁢ reminisced.

Other guest artists include Suzi⁢ Entrata-Abrera and Paolo Abrera, a husband and wife team who are both TV personalities and news anchors. They will serve as narrators during the performances.

“It’s an immense ‍honor to be part of this event. The Tabernacle ‍Choir is​ world-renowned, ‌and to receive an invitation from them and to witness their energy firsthand‌ is an unparalleled experience,” Paolo Abrera ​expressed.

Ysabelle Cuevas

In⁤ an effort to engage the younger audience, the choir has also invited Ysabelle Cuevas, a popular social media influencer and singer⁣ with millions of followers on her⁣ YouTube channel.

“I am incredibly grateful and humbled to be ⁣invited to this,” Cuevas told ⁤KSL-TV’s Dan Rascon, who is in the Philippines covering the choir’s concerts. “The choir ‌is already global, but⁣ reaching the younger audience is so crucial. It’s amazing how far the gospel can spread with⁢ just a click‌ of a button,” Cuevas added.

Choir president Michael Leavitt emphasized the importance of appealing to all age groups.

“The choir needs to continually broaden our audiences. While our offerings have traditionally‌ catered to more mature audiences,⁤ we need ​to find ways to ⁤connect with younger people and those with different musical tastes, but who share our values,” Leavitt stated.

“This is the beginning of something much⁣ larger,” Cuevas concluded.

Truth Media Network
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  1. Agree. This collaboration will bring together diverse music styles and audiences, creating a unique and engaging performance.


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