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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Schenectady County Considering New Office Space in Lottery Building


SCHENECTADY ‍— A ‌potential change of scenery ​is on the horizon for Schenectady County employees. They might ‌soon be relocating to ⁣a⁢ new office, just⁤ a stone’s throw away from their ‍existing State Street ⁤workspace.

On Tuesday, county lawmakers​ will deliberate on a three-month ‍option‌ agreement to acquire the ⁢erstwhile⁣ lottery ‌building‍ at 1 Broadway Center, as ⁢per‌ a recent press release.

This development is part of the⁢ county’s ongoing efforts to find a suitable replacement for the current county⁤ offices at 620 State St. These⁤ offices, which first ‍opened their doors in 1962,⁢ are in dire need ⁢of comprehensive repairs, including​ a new⁢ heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system.

As‍ part of the 2024 capital improvement​ budget ⁢adopted last year, lawmakers have earmarked ‌nearly $2 ⁤million for‍ capital improvements to the building.

The State‌ Street facility ⁤currently houses ⁤the county Legislature, clerk, and⁤ other administrative offices, with two floors‌ dedicated⁣ to family court.

“As our departments’⁢ needs‍ continue to ⁤evolve, we⁤ are exploring all possible options for accommodating‍ county ​government ‍offices in a way that best serves our community and is cost-effective,” stated Gary Hughes, chair of the Schenectady County ​Legislature.

The proposed $75,000 ⁢option ‌agreement will grant the county increased access⁣ to ⁢inspect the Broadway facility and secure the county’s right to purchase the building for $12.5 million. If the⁣ county decides to proceed⁢ with the purchase, the option price will be ⁣deducted from the total cost.

The nine-story building was previously⁤ occupied ​by⁣ the New York⁢ State⁢ Lottery and state Gaming Commission. It currently provides office space for‌ the Social ⁢Security Administration on the eighth⁢ floor. The lottery is expected to relocate to a new facility at ‌354 Broadway.

If the ⁤county decides to ‍purchase the building, it could potentially earn over $2.7 million‌ in rent from the Social Security Administration office over the next seven years.

“We ⁣will persist ​in evaluating other buildings and ‍conducting due diligence to ensure⁤ we secure the ‌best ⁢value at ‌the⁢ lowest cost,” ⁤Hughes added.

The county Legislature ⁣will​ convene at 7 p.m. Tuesday at⁢ the Schenectady County Office Building. The meeting will also be broadcast live on the ‌county’s YouTube page.

Kiara Thomas
Kiara Thomas
I uncover quirky and compelling stories. Always on the lookout for the 'why' behind the 'what'.
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