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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Over 1,000 perish in extreme heat during Hajj pilgrimage


CAIRO/RIYADH — The annual Hajj pilgrimage,‍ a significant⁣ event in the Muslim calendar, was‍ marred by⁢ tragedy this year as over 1,000 people lost their lives, according to‍ a tally by Reuters. The extreme heat‌ conditions proved to be a severe challenge for ⁤the nearly ​2 million pilgrims who journeyed to Mecca.

The majority of the deceased were from Egypt. As per the​ information provided by security and medical sources‌ to Reuters on Sunday, the Egyptian death toll had escalated to 672, with an additional 25⁢ individuals unaccounted for.

Indonesia also suffered significant losses, ⁣with the government data revealing that 236 Indonesians died during the pilgrimage. India’s External Affairs ‌agency reported the ⁤unfortunate demise of 98 Indian citizens during Hajj.

Additional casualties were reported from ‌Tunisia, Jordan, Iran, and‍ Senegal. This brings the total​ death toll for this year’s Hajj⁤ to at least 1,114 people, as per the⁤ Reuters ⁢tally.

An Egyptian crisis ⁣unit, assigned with the responsibility of⁣ investigating the situation,⁤ announced on Saturday that it has suspended the ⁤licenses ⁤of 16 tourism companies. These companies have⁣ been referred to the⁢ public ‍prosecutor, with accusations ‍of being responsible⁣ for deaths that were primarily ⁤among pilgrims not registered under the official system.

The crisis unit confirmed that ‌31 deaths were due ⁢to chronic illnesses among the officially registered pilgrims.

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