Vanessa Williams | Age 47


Vanessa Williams moved on at the age of 47, her life a beautiful symphony of love, activism, and enduring courage.

Vanessa was a cherished figure in her hometown of Albany, New York. Her charisma and resolve were evident in her role as the founder of a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering young women through education and leadership programs. Her work was her calling, and she pursued it with a passion that was both inspiring and impactful.

Her laughter was infectious, and her presence at community events was a given. Vanessa was also a gifted singer, often gracing local jazz clubs with her powerful voice and captivating presence.

She is survived by her loving husband, Charles; their two children, Jason and Nicole; and a community that saw her as a beacon of hope and progress. Vanessa’s legacy is one of strength, compassion, and the relentless pursuit of equality.

Vanessa’s service will be held in the community center where she spent countless hours inspiring others, next Sunday afternoon. Family, friends, and those whose lives were touched by her work are invited to honor a woman whose life was a testament to the power of passion and the impact of a kind heart.


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