Margaret Schmidt | Age 98


Margaret Schmidt passed away at the age of 98, her life a rich tapestry of wisdom, kindness, and a touch of delightful wit.

Margaret spent her entire life in the quaint and historic town of Colonie, just a stone’s throw from Schenectady, New York. She was a treasured educator, spending over 40 years teaching multiple generations in the local elementary schools, instilling in them a love for literature and an unwavering curiosity about the world.

Her home was always filled with the scent of fresh-baked bread and books. She was an avid reader and enjoyed discussing the latest novel at her book club meetings, which she hosted well into her 90s. Margaret’s garden was her sanctuary, and she often said that her flowers were like her students – each unique and full of potential.

Margaret is survived by a loving family, including her three children, Elizabeth, John, and George; eight grandchildren; and fifteen great-grandchildren, who all embody her gentle strength and passion for learning.

A service to celebrate Margaret’s life will be as heartfelt and nurturing as she was. It will be held at the local library, a fitting venue for a woman whose love for reading and education knew no bounds. Family and friends will gather next Friday morning to share memories and honor a beloved matriarch whose legacy will continue to inspire.


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